Markus Filsinger

Relentlessly executing on opportunities

Art Lead at Loewen Entertainment GmbH.
12 years of professional experience.
Executive MBA ongoing.
Participating in the High Potential Program at Loewen.


> Owning games projects start to finish from portfolio analysis, design and documentation, asset creation to implementation
> Leading a team of five outstanding artists through 11+ projects, constantly defying expectations
> Willingness to streamline recurring tasks through scripting and tools
> Technical understanding of the machinations required to create state-of-the-art digital products


> Led a multidisciplinary strike-team showcasing our vision for our next game engine, winning the trust of executives and stakeholders
> Blazing trails on the way to success, transferring strategy to action
> On my way to completing the Executive Master of Business Administration program at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
> Driven to create extraordinary products people love to interact with


> Empathic communicator believing in the growth of people and teams
> Captivating presenter, alongside crafting powerful slide-decks and demonstrations
> Successfully navigating politics in a multinational corporation
> Unrelenting focus on key wins
> Deep love for well-structured Jira or Asana environments

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